Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

We are well into the Holiday season, and many can find this time of year very stressful. I know. I'm one of them. I have listed some things to consider while feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious.

  1. Understand that you're not alone - Many of us out there stress over the Holiday season for many different reasons. I was penniless growing up, and I wanted to do better for my children as an adult. That did not happen for several years. At the same time, my children see other children having huge dinners and large amounts of gifts. My children experienced the very thing I didn't want for them.
  2. It's Okay - I have found that over the years, and looking back, my children don't think about what they didn't have but the experience of being a family. To this day, my two girls remember the best gift they ever received. A large jar of Costco Pickles!! It was a joke gift, yet they still talk about how excited they were about the jars.
  3. Money - Understand that the holidays are not about how much money you spend but how much time you have with your family. My children had never told me how embarrassed they were when other children received eight to ten gifts, and they only received four to six.
  4. Let it go - As I write this, I can tell you that it is not easy. My children are grown and have their own lives and families. Yet it is hard not to feel like I should have done more over the Holiday. I sometimes think that money is the way to my children's hearts, yet they have never made me feel that way. So, I will let this feeling go as long as you promise to let yours go.
  5. Time is limited - Our time is limited with our family and friends. Give them and you the best gift anyone can give. TIME! Give time and love. It will be a gift that will never break, fade or go away.

I hope those of us who struggle can understand that we're not alone and that the feelings of being less than what we are; are only in our heads. It's okay to feel that way, but it's better to set them aside and recognize them for what they are, our insecurities. Money is not the secret to a happy relationship so if you can only afford a movie night, make it the best movie night. Remember, our time is limited, and family is all we have for a wonderful Holiday season. Let go of the past, be happy in the present, and look forward to the family and friends who will always be in your future.


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